Category: WordBlog

Helping Professionals To Use Story to Transform Communities


3 Questions That Will End the “Plateau”

This post is inspired by the word “transpersonal”, suggested by the Rev. Gaylon McDowell of Christ Universal Temple. — Transpersonal is a term coined by psychologists who wanted to acknowledge the spiritual and ethereal phenomena outside of the normal experience of humankind that affect the evolution of the consciousness of humanity. Trans means “beyond”. There’s…
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Things Come Together

A meditation on the word “Synesthesia,” a wordblog suggested by Rich Ejire. — Synesthesia is the condition where a sensation in one area of your body produces a perception in another. In other words, if you smell roses every time you see the color pink (even if there are no roses to be found), you have…
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The Disease of Freedom

Today’s #wordblog is from the incomparable Rich Ejire who you can find here. His word is “drapetomania”: a term coined by Samuel A. Cartwright during the 19th century to describe the “affliction” experienced by Black slaves that caused them to run away from their masters. —- “Do you want to be free, or do you…
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Let’s Be Frank (or Susan, it doesn’t matter to me)

You are the answer. Not just for yourself. Here on this blog, you’ll find a unique perspective on solving both small and big problems. You’ll also be challenged to look at things in a way that is empowering. You want to make a difference– and you can, but real impact begins with how you think–…
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The Inner War

This #wordblog is inspired by Facebook friend Sandra Deal who asked me to blog on “War Veteran”. — — This has been one of the most terrible weeks of my professional life. One of my former students and his little brother were victims of a hit and run. They were walking home from a game…
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John L. Williams, an itinerant professor and lover of all things Albany, Georia, is to thank for this week’s #wordblog inspiration: “curmudgeon”. — It turns out that most people have a reason to be surly. At the time of this writing, unarmed people are being killed in the street, large numbers of the middle class…
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Is Fishing Really That Deep?

Kathleen O’Bryant of Mahogany Youth Corporation is to thank for this week’s #wordblog. She is a tireless advocate for youth with her husband Robert O’Bryant. — When I looked up the etymology of the word fish, I was startled to find a website completed devoted to the etymology of species of fish, that there are…
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Lumumba Shabazz gave me the word “empowered” to blog on– and in light of recent events, it’s divine that the word came up this week. Here’s some perspective: — “Empowered” is a derived word, developed in the 17th century to describe the legal process of giving someone authority, usually dealing with land, money or other…
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The Benefits of a Concrete Jungle

There is the potential for leadership, power and freedom in everything. To prove that, I asked my network to provide me a few random words to write about. I got forty (40). So, I’ve committed to creating 40 unique and original quotes, blogs or visual stories about the words on your mind. Today’s word (really,…
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