Nerissa Street will show you why.

The Surprising Reason You’re Sick

Recently, I’ve been sick. Being both an entrepreneur and a teacher, illness is no joke. In my spiritual practice, it’s even more serious. Our bodies’ natural tendency is toward health and growth. You see that in nature. Grass, plants and trees have to be cut to maintain a certain look, and even then, they must…
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If You’re Here, You’re Nearly There

I teach a class called Your Hidden Potential. In it, I train professionals in very diverse career fields to use the true power available to them no matter what position they have– and no matter where they are financially or socially. I use lots of analogies but my favorites revolve around storytelling. If you understand…
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The Steadman Principle (while you #banbossy)

(with apologies to the Winfrey camp) Those who remember Janet Jackson’s hard-core days, when she dressed in all black and was part of the Rhythm Nation, may recall her song, “The Pleasure Principle”. She was on to something. We serial entrepreneurs and world-changers find ourselves in a quandary. We may still want the hot, masculine…
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Hidden Success in the Corporate Workplace

“How do you do it?” she asked. One of my coworkers had approached me. “What?” I asked. “How do you stay so cheerful?” We both work in a high-stress, high-stakes environment with constant changes in priority—and one urgent issue after another. Wow, I thought. “It’s an inside job, “ I said. “If I paid attention…
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The Quick and Dirty Version

Who are you? If it takes you a bit to answer that, you’ve got some work to do. This isn’t just about cause marketing and grant writing. It’s about clarity of purpose and action. When you’re confused, you add things to yourself to hide, to appear different or bigger. Drop into your gut, speak who…
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Why the Right People Don’t Care: Part 2

Last week, I posted 3 of the 6 great reasons the right people don’t care about your cause. If you missed them, read more here. Today, I share the other 3, and one crucial thing everyone misses when looking for a sponsoring partner. Who are the right people? They are people with a) connections you…
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Why the Right People Don’t Care About Your Cause

I write compelling stories. They turn into grants.  Speeches. Marketing and collateral for interesting people. Branding for causes. Invariably, everyone who comes to me has the same problem: Great idea or cause… and no one cares. They approach a partner or funder and get denied. They put things out in social media and have no…
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From Dream to Determination: 3 Uncommon Questions to Move You Forward

They say pursuing your dreams is difficult. I’m not disagreeing, but I don’t find it’s difficult in the way that you expect. “Be prepared for struggle,” they say. “Things will get rough, and you’ll have to make adjustments. Nothing worth having comes easy.” In the beginning, that may be true. You question your motives for…
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The Missing Piece: Why the Dream Takes So Long to Manifest

When I work with children, I’m amazed at how much energy they put into any activity that they take on. One day, I saw a child putting together a puzzle. She had a surly look on her face. She was frustrated because one piece just wouldn’t fit in the space she had created. I looked…
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