Nerissa Street will show you why.

A part of faith

fingers crossed

Faith in the Real World

If you’re familiar with any spiritual teaching at all, you’ve heard of faith. It’s the substance of religion and spirituality. Why do people who live in the midst of a material and physical world spend time, energy and money in the pursuit of the intangible, and many times, transitory? They have faith. What is faith?…
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Bullying — A New Perspective I was asked to speak to a group of teen and tween girls about Bullying. It’s a touchy subject, and it’s more and more pervasive– especially as snarky comments on reality TV get more popular. People “do it for the Vine” and don’t care about the aftermath of hurt feelings. Sometimes, it’s just that…
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Awe and Wonder

Not just for kids…

How to Work a Crowd

In a previous post, I spoke about the number one leadership killer. Although it’s crucial to be aware of that very common misstep that passionate visionaries make, it’s even more crucial to acknowledge a skill that is the backbone of leadership: crowd control. We’re not talking “police officers on mounted patrol” type action. I’m talking…
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The Leadership Killer

I write on leadership because it’s my assertion that anyone can learn the skills to become a leader for a good cause. Not everyone is built for the task. I design events and experiences for all kinds of audiences. I’ve spoken in front of and facilitated experiences for professionals, youth, government officials, private clients and…
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Every Leader Must…

…confront their weaknesses. Avoid them at the cost of your ability to lead. It’s obvious what you suck at. We all see it. Try to hide it, and you lose our trust. Leaders, embrace your failings. Your humanity is what enables us to trust your vision, and gives us a place in your plan. After…
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A Word on Resilience

Because of now-undeniable climate change and global economic shifts, the philosophy of resilience has taken on a new relevance. If we’re under a lot of stress on a regular basis, being resilient means you can handle the demands: like when you’re sick or pursuing a new endeavor or feeling lost It’s more serious than that,…
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I RELEASE REGRET: Week 11 Day 4 of the 2014 Meditation Challenge

As you heal, forgive yourself and anyone or anything else that may have caused you pain. Cecilia’s meditation here is a powerful reminder.